Looking for a Pharmacy Course? Don’t know how to get started or Which College/University to opt? We Triangle Edu-Solutions are the Best Education Consultancy in India. Now coming to Pharmacy Course, Pharmacy is not just about a drugstore. For those who study pharmacy can also choose research and development of medicine as a career option. 

A drug/medicine before being prescribed by a doctor has to undergo tests and approvals. It is tested in a lab, studied for dosage and side effects, only then prescription guidelines are formed. The medicines then undergo clinical trials and only when after studying all the possible effects of the medicine, it is introduced in the market. Pharmacists are a part of the entire process. They are also responsible for introducing a new drug/ medicine to various medical practitioners. 

The role of pharmacist does not end here. They study and keep track of all medicines and products with market surveys by connecting with a medical practitioner and distributors for any side effects, reactions and allergies, etc. Although, before distribution in a market the medicines are tested in labs because of the complexity and diversity of human beings, different outcomes from the same medicine can occur, therefore, a pharmacy practitioner has to research and develop medicines and prescriptions at multitudes. Pharmacy basically includes everything related to your wellness right from the food you consume to the cosmetics, lifestyle products, health and chemical products that you use.

Looking at the scope of Pharmacy in the healthcare industry, a survey report called ‘Pharmacy at a glance 2015-2017 by International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), community pharmacy is the largest contributor with 75.1 per cent registered pharmacists employed followed by hospital pharmacy with 13.2 per cent. The services provided by pharmacy practitioners include:

Improving the use of medicines: Reviewing medicines, medicines for hypertension management, directly observed treatments, short courses based medicines, medication reconciliation and new drug development.

Product-focused services: This includes compounding medicines (based on prescriptions by medical practitioners) and assembling expired medicines from a market. 

Public health services: This includes promoting health initiatives, vaccinations, health camps and other health-related awareness.


Pharm-D (Post Baccalaureate)

M.Pharm- Pharmacology
M.Pharm-Pharmaceutical Technology
M.Pharm-Pharmacy Practice
M.Pharm-Pharmaceutical Chemistry
M.Pharm- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
M.Pharm-Pharmaceutical Analysis
M.Pharm- Industrial Pharmacy
M.Pharm- Quality Assurance
M.Pharm- Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management
M.Pharm-Bulk Drugs